Safe Back Stretches

There are a lot of articles that illustrate back exercise but how do you know if they are good for your back? It's important to be sure because you wouldn't want to make your problem worse. The slides below are safe basic stretches for all types of back problems: disc herniations, stenosis, sprains/strains.

Stretching exercises are activities that are designed to improve the flexibility of the musculoskeletal system. Flexibility is important to the health of the muscles and joint systems. Stiffness can result in poor shock absorption, increased friction from joint compression, and deterioration of muscle coordination. They are generally left out of most people's exercise routines because they are considered too easy to be doing the body any good.

The exercises illustrated below are considered helpful for all back problems because they are not fully loading the spine against gravity, and they stretch the tissues in all directions without excessively loading pathologically painful structures.

It is always recommended that you consult with your physician or healthcare provider before beginning any new exercise. Always stop doing an exercise that is causing pain and consult with a professional.





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